Proverbs 14:12



There is a way out, For your son, daughter, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, brother, cousin, and all of the above, His name is Jesus! I am super excited to share the good, bad and ugly parts of my story, on my approaching podcast “Him Over Her.” In "2017" I rededicated my life to Christ, renounced the sin of homosexuality, and officially left the LGBTQ+ lifestyle/community, to follow HIM, Jesus! Its been a long journey! However, because of the grace and mercy of God, I am here today, here to tell it ALL! lol. Yup! We spilling all the devils tea! haha. "There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12) On this upcoming podcast, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will be unlocking and exposing, the secrets, traps, plots, schemes and lies of the enemy, concerning this topic. Weather your struggling, curious, backsliding, or currently in the life, there's a way out for you to. Many are secretly dying and need to know that they to can be free from the chains of deception. Your not alone! 


Coming Soon…

"Him Over Her"


 This podcast is open to any and everyone so don't be shy! We only judging righteously over here! lol. Spread the word and stay in know. Join our email list for updates. In the mean time, if you need to talk one on one feel free to schedule a confidential call below. If not, see ya'll in 2024!

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